
The Gospel According to Creation Books

With a passion for nature, Pastor Terry McComb started a Nature-revival ministry called "The Gospel According to Creation". As a retired Pastor working part time with the BC Conference and a speaker and writer for Creation Illustrated Journal for the past 14 years, he would seem a little too busy for writing books. But he and his wife Jean co-authored these books to help parents and children see the Creator in His works of nature. McComb says objects in nature speak by the way they are designed and function. These wondrous "ways" reveal the Creator - Jesus Christ. He calls it "Sharing Jesus Christ Naturally."

The books are titled: The Gospel According to a Dandelion; The Gospel According to a Blade of Grass; The Gospel According to a SnowFlake; The Gospel According to a Tree. These are a Family Life series designed for parents and children to use in God's out-of-door classroom - even in the city. Each page has one complete lesson. The opposite page has a full page fine art line drawing done by a quality artist, which may be colored in. There are 40-60 pages per book on quality paper. Each lesson is a multi-learning unit: a science lesson; a character lesson; a Bible lesson; a reading lesson; and an art lesson combined. Each lesson also contains a practical project they can do together in the out-of-doors, that will reinforce the lesson on that page.

Ideally these lessons should be shared by an adult at the child's learning level. These lessons will be most helpful for SS teachers, VBS, Club Scout or Pathfinder leaders, classroom teachers, parents, and grandparents.

These books may be ordered by calling 250-547-6696.

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