
Continuous Prayer

1. Team leaders will be needed for specific blocks of time (2-4 hours is suggested).

2 Give the leaders a recommended plan to follow:

A. Allow a short time for getting acquainted. Name tags may be helpful.

B. Encourage prayer requests, before or during the prayer time. Keep this time brief so that large segments of time aren't taken up talking about prayer, rather than praying together.

C. Share something briefly from Scripture. You may wish to ask groups to form for prayer and a short time of Bible study.

D. What is the major focus for prayer or specific need? Each hour come back to this special request.

E. Keep a Prayer Request Box or basket available for "drop-ins" who may wish to request special intercession.

F. There may be someone there who would like to share a short testimony. Keep these short, but they can also provide significant perspectives for prayer.

G. Begin and close your prayer time with praise and singing. Short songs are always appropriate - even during prayer time.

3. This can be a wonderful opportunity for all age groups, or Sabbath school divisions to work together, or to take specific time slots in the schedule. Those who are physically unable to be present in the prayer room can join in from home. Let them know how much they are needed too.

Why plan for "Round the Clock" prayer?

Jesus has promised to be in our midst, even when only 2 or 3 come together to pray and He is faithful, Who has promised.

You experience something of what was told in Zechariah 8:21: "The inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, 'Let us continue to go and pray before the Lord, and seek the Lord of hosts.'"

Ellen White tells us in PP "much prayer provides much power, and little prayer - little power. When special needs arise, the "much power" is also needed. Some churches schedule a 24-hr prayer time once a month, or once a quarter.

Jesus said that His children will call out to Him - day and night. Luke 18

Someone has said that if you want to do something for God, you form a committee, but if you want God to do something for you, you PRAY.

Source: NAD Prayer Resources CD

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