
Acts of Kindness Award Requirements

Acts of Kindness Award Requirements



Download the requirement for acts of kindness award by clicking the download link above.

Level: Sunbeam (2nd grade)
Category: Spiritual
Section: My World

Acts of Kindness

1. Read Romans 12:10 and Proverbs 12:25 and discuss what each verse mean?
2. Give examples of kindness and love.
3. What does the Bible tell us about each of these two words? Use a Bible story to illustrate someone who showed love and kindness.
4. Read or listen to three stories of kindness.
5. Act out in a skit or charade different acts of kindness.
6. Plan and carry out an act of kindness as a class or club.

2. This is a great time to brainstorm as a group, maybe while doing a craft or as part of preparing the skit/charade. Idea starters: Parents are kind to and love their children; friends are kind to each other when playing together, at lunch, and when working together; God loved us so much that He sent His Son from heaven to earth to live with people and to then die for us that we might live forever with Him in heaven.
3. Kindness is mentioned in a variety of places in the Bible including:
1 Corinthians 13:4: This passage describes the qualities of true love. Among other things, it is kind and gentle, characteristics that should be evident in our relationships and words.
Ephesians 4:32: Followers of Christ are encouraged to imitate Christ's life and values in their own lives. One obvious way we can do that is to imitate the kindness and compassion that Christ showed to everyone He encountered.
Proverbs 16:24: There is a tremendous power in kind and gentle words. The simplest word of encouragement or support can brighten somebody's day. This is the sort of speech that should be on every Christian's lips.
In summary, someone who loves Jesus will always want to do the kind thing to their friends, family, and animals. Because we love Jesus, we will even be kind when others (our enemies) aren't kind to us. Jesus was kind, even when people were being cruel to Him. Because of His help, we too can be kind at ANY time.
4. Our Little Friend and other online/print story sources can assist you in fulfilling this requirement.
5. Ideas: Adam naming the animals (Genesis 2); Joseph being kind to his brothers even after they'd been cruel to him; Jesus and the children (Mark 10).
6. Your club is your best resource!


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