
Live Whole with Heart Disease

Live Whole with Heart Disease

Product #500802

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When you are diagnosed with heart disease, it’s normal to ask questions and look for answers. But the abundance of health information at your fingertips may sometimes leave you with more questions than answers. You may find yourself wondering, How do I know what information to believe? Is it really that simple? Why have I never heard this before? What is the right choice to make?

You may also have questions about how to manage your new way of life: Is there a way this could have been prevented? Can my life go back to the way it was before? What does the future hold? How does my diagnosis affect my loved ones?

When faced with these questions, it’s important to take advice from the most reliable, scientifically-proven research studies. This sharing booklet includes practical tips from credible research, so you’ll discover the help you need to achieve wholeness in every aspect of your well-being.

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