
Church Members Create Bags of Love

Barbara Neher and her husband, Jack, are leaders of a church planting project in Cadiz, Ky. In their search for ways to reach out to the community, they looked at some of the unmet needs of the people in Trigg County. Their search led them to initiate a unique project called “It’s My Very Own – Bags of Love.”

This project was brought about by the growing need of children that are removed from their homes by Child Protective Services because of parents making the wrong choices. These children are victims of abuse and neglect from parents or caregivers. Barbara recalls a television news story that inspired her to take action. The story was about a methamphetamine lab bust in which children were removed from the home. The reporter could not interview the children or show their faces, but she put her microphone below a window of the house where the children sat inside. “You could hear them inside sobbing,” Barbara says. “That’s when the Lord touched me.”

Many times when authorities are called in, the children need to be taken to a safe location. Usually this happens suddenly, often in the middle of the night. This process is frightening to the children.

The children can take nothing with them. They have now lost their home, their parents, and all their personal belongings, including toys and clothes—everything.

This new ministry provides Bags of Love, which are designed to take care of the children’s immediate basic needs when they are removed from homes. This bag is “their very own.” It is often all they have for those first few frightening hours.

“All children removed from their homes are victims,” says Barbara. “We have found that the need is great. These children are in need, not due to anything they have done. We can help ease the pain by showing them love and that someone cares.”

The Bags of Love are homemade duffle bags which contain, among other things, a small, brightly colored handmade comforter, a soft cuddly toy, personal care items (comb, hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.), and toys appropriate to the age and gender of the child. The Bags of Love are then given to Child Protective Services to be distributed as needed.

For information about starting a similar project in your area, contact Barbara, Neher, 270-552-1494, email, or click here to visit It's My Very Own website.

This article originally appeared in the August 2005 issue of the Southern Union Tidings and is reprinted with permission.

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