
Church Service Engagement for Youth

A discussion with youth about church could focus on people in every country of the world, in every faith and in every denomination who respond to the winning whispers of God’s grace and choose to become members of “the body of Christ,” (1 Corinthians 12:27).

Or the discussion could center on Church (with a capital C), a denomination, an institution, an organization with a system-wide structure, an established creed or set of doctrines, a voted mission statement, and a group of employees· dedicated to fulfilling that mission.

Or the discussion could be about the local church in which we hold membership and where we usually attend on Sabbath.

But, most likely, a discussion with teens about church will be about the worship service, the “eleven o’clock hour,” the time when we sing, pray, take up an offering and listen to a pastor preach a sermon.

Here are ten dynamics that youth say will transform church from “boring” into an exciting, positive influence in their lives.

Ten Ways to Transform Your Church Service

  1. Energy. The rhythm of the service is up. It makes us feel like the congregation really believes.
  2. Informality. We know the people there, and they know us. We’re not trying to impress each other. We’re comfortable, not uptight.
  3. Creativity. We hear familiar stories from the Bible, but with a new insight. We’re not stuck in the ruts of routine. We vary the order.
  4. Practicality. We want an application to real life. How will this relate to me this week?
  5. Challenge. We don’t want pat answers and clichés. We want to think about this, find the principles, and be challenged.
  6. Relevancy. Sometimes the illustrations have to come from our world, not just the world of older adults. Speak to our needs, too.
  7. Sincerity. The pulpit shouldn’t become political. We don’t mind sincere emotion. We want the message to come from the heart.
  8. Contemporary. Please listen to the beautiful music that’s been written in our lifetime. Speak in language we understand.
  9. Uplifting. We definitely want to leave church with hope and peace and a closer walk with God.
  10. Variety. Sometimes you’ll find us holding a worship service outside, or with a small group of our friends. We love variety.  

From: ABZ’s of Adventist Youth Ministry
© 2000 John Hancock Center for Youth&Family Ministry
Permission to copy for use in the local congregation or group.

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