
Day Camps

A day camp is a daily activity program usually aimed at children, usually held during the summer months, and usually staffed by the youth and young adults of your church. It’s summer camp without the cabins, Vacation Bible School without the felts, with fieldtrips and outdoor activities thrown in. Fees are usually charged for the daily program, with extra activities carrying an extra price.

Many children remember that their first exposure to the Adventist church was a fun, enjoyable summer day camp experience.

Ten Commandments for Successful Day Camps

  1. Find a great staff. Advertise with your high school and college students in January when the summer camps are doing the same. Figure that you want one staff member per six children. A spirit-led staff is the most important key for success.
  2. Calculate your finances in advance. Estimate how many children you’ll have, their fees, and the amount of funding you can get from the local conference, union conference, and school. Take that number and compare it with your expenses. Hire staff according to your income.
  3. Select your activities and commit them to a daily schedule. Rafting, rock climbing, water-skiing, swimming, miniature golf, cave exploring, beach trips, cycling, and bowling are just a few of the hot ones.
  4. Take your schedule and commit it to a day camp brochure. In addition to the events, include registration and permission forms, prices, and other information.
  5. Advertise. Send out several thousand brochures to school children, homes near your church, and church members. Also advertise in the newspaper. Some of it is free.
  6. Develop a transportation plan. Hire a driver and rent a bus.
  7. Invest emotionally in your staff. Develop them through a staff-training week and continue with parties and rewards.
  8. Ready your facility with user-friendly atmosphere.
  9. Develop a spiritual strategy. What commitment do we want the children to make and how will we get there?
  10. Pray.

From: ABZ’s of Adventist Youth Ministry
Permission to copy for use in the local congregation or group.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States