
Dos and Don'ts of Giving Bible Studies

Select a Bible study you understand and are comfortable using. Students will lose confidence in what you are saying if you are confused about the lesson.

Pray, pray, and then pray. Pray before you get there, before you open the Bible, while you are studying, and when you end the study. Bathe your study in prayer, and listen for the Holy Spirit to guide.

Don’t argue. You’ll likely win the battle, but lose the war.

Make Christ and salvation the center. Don’t just share information; share Jesus Christ, His great love, and what He has done to save us.

Don’t be mechanical.
Use this opportunity to win a heart and gain a friend.

Be kind and patient. Never make your students feel uncomfortable if they do not immediately grasp what you are saying.

Don’t consistently correct erroneous understanding. Allow your students to come to a clearer understanding of biblical truth as the Spirit enlightens their minds.

Don’t allow the study to get off track. Inform students that their questions pertaining to other topics will be covered in a future lesson.

Make an appeal following each lesson. It reveals where your student is spiritually, and if they don’t understand or are struggling with certain areas.

Don’t stay longer than an hour. This overwhelms the hearer. Keep the lesson simple, and be considerate of their time.

Remember, it is the power of God’s word that converts hearts and transforms lives—not your human effort. Your success in giving Bible studies depends on your willingness to be an instrument in God’s hand, filled with His spirit, and revealing His great love.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States