
Evaluating Your Website

When was the last time you checked your website to make sure it still works properly, looks current, and is meeting your goals? It’s a good idea to periodically evaluate your website so you can make any necessary changes and be prepared when it’s time for a redesign. Below are some questions to help you get started.

  1. Does the home page load in a timely fashion? Less than 10 seconds is excellent. If it takes too long, visitors won’t wait.
  2. Is the home page understandable? Are the features easy to find and well presented? Are there many broken links, missing sections, or spelling errors?
  3. Are the navigation options logical? Do all pages include well-designed navigation, with little scrolling required? Are the navigation links adequate?
  4. Does the website contain information about your church? Does it include ministries, events, and the pastor’s bio? How much information does it offer potential visitors?
  5. Is the content up-to-date? Are future events announced? Is the news new, or more than two months old?
  6. Is contact information available? Can visitors find the address, phone number, email address, and map link? If they can’t find this on your website, they won’t be able to find your church.
  7. Are meeting and worship times clearly posted? Are they easy to find? Are special events listed?
  8. Do the colors and overall design complement each other? Are the colors and design pleasant? Do they look professional and give a positive impression of your church?
  9. Does the site include an evangelism component? Is it warm and inviting, with Bible study information? Does it encourage cyber visitors to become Sabbath morning visitors?
  10. Is the content easy to read? How is the grammar, spelling, and punctuation? Poorly written content is hard to follow and will not make people want to revisit your site.
  11. Does the site help eliminate confusion about Adventists? Does it present mainstream Adventist theology? Does it avoid using “SDA” and other jargon that would confuse visitors?

Reprinted from the Quick Start Guide for Communication Directors. Click here to purchase a copy.

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