
Garden of Prayer

A time that is especially significant in many churches is the "Garden of Prayer," which takes the place of the traditional prayer time during the worship hour.

Instead of just having a pastor or elder pray while the congregation kneels, invite those who are interested to come forward and kneel by the "altar." This gives those who have special needs an opportunity to embrace others who may be hurting, or, to kneel by fellow members who need special support.

A good way to transition into this is for the prayer appeal (Garden of Prayer invitation) to be made while members are quietly singing a lead-in song (i.e. Cares Chorus: I Cast all My Cares Upon You).

Many variations of this can be tried (like inviting people to bring written requests to the front; or use a roving microphone to solicit requests and praises before people come to the alter).

On special occasions you may wish to have a time for anointing.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States