
Impact Your World - Tell Your Story

It is important to build bridges with people, to stress things in common, and to become a genuine friend to them. Everyone has a story to share about how God has and is impacting his or her life.

Here are several reasons to share your story of faith:

1. People like stories.
2. Stories are windows into the soul.
3. Stories create a bond instead of a wall.
4. Stories encourage the listener and the teller.

What should stories of faith look like?

1. Stories should be 5-7 minutes.
2. There are four essential parts to your story: your life before Jesus, how you met Jesus, what Jesus means to you now, and a personal appeal for the other person to follow Jesus Christ.
3. Use everyday language. Be authentic. Give God the glory.
4. Identify with listener. Build a connection.
5. Share the steps needed for a person to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
6. Share about the church community, about being a part of a church that loves Jesus Christ and follows the Word of God

Story Worksheet

Before: Your life before you knew Christ

1. Where were you spiritually? How did your life then impact your feelings, attitudes, actions, and relationships?
2. Before you became a believer, what were some of the ways God began drawing you to Christ?

How: The process of how your conversion happened

1. What motivated you to invite Christ into your life as Lord and Savior?
2. Specifically, how did you come to Christ, receive His forgiveness, and submit to His Lordship?
3. If a church played a part in your conversion, how did you come into contact with that congregation? Who and what do you remember of your first visits?

After: Your new walk with Christ

1. What changed in your life after you accepted Jesus as your Savior?
2. Finish this sentence: "My prayer is..."

Scared to share your story? Try this:

1. Talk about their family. "Is that a picture of your children?"
2. Talk about their occupation. "What's your occupation?"
3. Ask them about their religion. "Which church do you attend?"
4. Share your story. "I grew up...but I really didn't know Jesus..."

At the time this article was written, Gayle Lasher was a Bible worker for the Washington Conference and Karen Lewis was a Bible worker for the Rocky Mountain Conference. This article was reprinted with permission from the Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

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