
Vacations with Jesus

Summer vacations come and go. People work hard eleven months out of the year to enjoy a 2-4 week vacation from phones, schedules, bills and traffic jams. All of our efficiencies and time-saving devices actually complicate our lives with more things to monitor and service. Wouldn’t it be great if we could extend our vacations to be able to spend more time relaxing and enjoying family and friends. Or, what if we could have more vacations each year (maybe 3 or 4)?

Jesus invites you to take a vacation once a week (52 times a year)! He has already reserved the time and promises to be good company. Join Him for the time of your life!

These mini vacations can help you: (a) Escape media overload; (b) Fill your spiritual reservoir; (c) Enjoy family and friends, and (d) worship God

Escape media overload

The human mind can only take so much stimulation before it implodes. TV, radio, theaters, Madison Avenue, and hosts of other sources smother our senses with ear and eye candy crafted to wring our pockets and souls of value. Fortunately, we can turn much of it off and relax to the sounds of silence. Doing so opens our ears to frequencies that have been indiscernible. You will begin to hear the siren of God’s love.

f you’ve never done it, wean yourself of all news, movies and music for a 24-hour period. Try doing it on a Saturday (the seventh day rest God established at creation). Enjoy the quiet of the early morning hours. Listen to the birds and smell the flowers in your yard. Make a list of the people and things you are thankful for. Block the world out for one day. You’ll be energized and refreshed. 

Fill your spiritual reservoir

Finding balance is tied to being at peace with yourself and your Creator. One of the best ways to achieve this is to make sure your inner reservoir is filled with nourishment that comes directly from God. Prayer, Scripture reading and sharing with others increase our heart’s receptivity to finding deep joy and inner satisfaction. 

We call these disciplines because they only occur when we plan to make them a reality. Each discipline becomes a mini vacation within a time block that briefly draws us away from life’s struggles.

Enjoy family and friends

The bottom line of happiness can be spelled in one word: relationships. Wealth, accomplishments and living in the right place do not matter as much as enjoying the people life brings your way. Here are some tips to help you stay people-focused:

1. When someone is talking specifically to you, listen with your eyes and ears. Give them your full attention.

2. When conversing with others ask follow-up questions for clarity.

3. A great way to begin making new friends is to remember people’s names. Take mental notes as you dialogue. Remember their interests.

4. Schedule uninterrupted time with your family and friends. If possible, turn off cell phones and other distractions.

Worship God

All humans participate in acts of worship! The recipients of worship are known as gods or God. The gods of this age (appearances, possessions and ideologies) require constant attention. There is no letting up! To experience a renewal of soul and spirit you must worship the God who dispels weariness and provides relief from unceasing labor.

The God of creation supercedes all others with His insistence on rest, reflection and balance. Every seventh day God calls you to remember your origin, fragility and ultimate destiny.


Enjoying more than one or two vacations a year begins when you decide to take control of your sensory and emotional space. Through monitoring your media exposure, filling your spiritual reserves, getting close to family and friends and worshipping creation’s God you can experience a relaxed, balanced life! 

At the time this article was written, Rich DuBose was Director of Church Support Services for the Pacific Union Conference and a producer of Christian web content.

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