
Renewable Energy Honor Requirements

Renewable Energy Honor Requirements



Download the requirements for the Renewable Energy honor by clicking on the download link above.

Renewable Energy

1. What is renewable energy?
2. Why is renewable energy important?
3. Describe how each of the following sources is used as a renewable source of energy. Draw an illustration depicting the usage of at least three of these renewable sources of energy.

  1. Wind power
  2. Bioenergy
  3. Geothermal energy
  4. Hydropower
  5. Ocean energy
  6. Solar power

4. As a group, discuss some of the earliest forms of renewable energy. Are there energy forms that might have been used by Noah and by the patriarchs before sin?
5. Individually or as a group, show at least five important events in the history of renewable energy through:

  1. Presentation
  2. Video
  3. Interactive game
  4. Speech
  5. Display

6. Discover the source of most reusable energy.
7. What are some commercial and industrial uses of renewable energy?
8. Why have many governments invested in renewable energy sources? Be able to site at least two examples. There are positive incentives for governments to invest in renewable energy sources.
9. What are some of the issues facing the use of renewable energy? What are some of the advantages and potential disadvantages of moving away from fossil fuel energy sources to renewable energy?
10. Build, not from a kit, two different devices to harness some form of renewable energy. These devices may include:

  1. Potato clock
  2. Solar or wind powered motor
  3. Hydropower lift
  4. Your choice.

Note: The internet search engines provide tons of information when you type one of the sources of renewable power and “science experiment.” Thus for hydropower, you would search for “hydropower science experiment.”

11. Brainstorm and make a list of at least four Biblical texts/stories that illustrate the use of renewable energy.

Skill Level 2
New in 2014

North American Division
2014 Update

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