
Family Seasons

Family Seasons

Product #351877

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The Bible is a book of relationships.  

God created us to be in relationship with others. That’s why, when God created Adam, He said, “It is not good that man should be alone” (Gen.2:18, NKJV). In Adam’s case, God created an equal partner, Eve, to be his companion. Some of us may never get married, but still need to have others around us to help us, offer encouragement, and for us to reciprocate. In fact, the church family plays a very important role in the life of those who are not married. We are their family and we must surround them with the love and encouragement they need. 

Ellen White paints a simple picture of what happens in the family and in the church.  

“Picture a large circle, from the edge of which are many lines all running to the center. The nearer these lines approach the center, the nearer they are to one another. Thus it is in the Christian life. The closer we come to Christ, the nearer we shall be to one another. God is glorified as His people unite in harmonious action.”  (Adventist Home, p. 179) 

We need each other as we journey through the seasons of our life. As we transition out of the bleak, cold of winter into the flowery spring, through the warmth of summer to the chill of autumn, the transitions may be difficult, even painful at times, very joyful at others, but traveling together makes it much easier.  

In this book, we will explore the family seasons to see how sin derailed God’s plan for our lives and what He has in mind for us until He makes all things very good again. 

Paperback. Copyright 2018. 128 pages.


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