
Mind/Body Health Connections - Balanced Living - PPT Download (Spanish)

Mind/Body Health Connections - Balanced Living - PPT Download (Spanish)

Product #500713

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¿Existe una conexión entre la salud mental y la física? ¿La forma en que trato a mi cuerpo afecta a mi mente? Este tratado explora esa conexión y cómo fortalecer tanto el cuerpo como la mente.

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NOTA: Las ventas de archivos descargables son definitivas y no son reembolsables.



Is there a connection between mental and physical health? Does the way I treat my body affect my mind? This tract explores that connection and how to strengthen both body and mind.

DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will receive an email with download instructions.

NOTE: Sales of downloadable files are final and are non-refundable.


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